Well, am I ever wet! You shall see why… today we walked down to the mall here in Salt Lake City and it was great. A little too sunny for my liking, but great all the same. We had a few things to buy today and they were not easy findings. There was no place to get an SD card in the mall, so we took a tramie thingie around the city. We were trying to find a Best Buy and we were told there was one along the route we were on. Unfortunately we were too stupid to realize that we kept getting off before the stop we should have. We just thought we kept missing it. After we finally found the Best Buy and got back to the mall, three hours had gone by. I tell ya, it takes special people to make a trip that should have taken twenty minutes and turn it into a three hour joyride. After that, we went to this splash pad thingy in the middle of the mall (it was an outdoor mall) and I jumped in with all my clothes on…even though I had a swimsuit with me. Then we had lunch and by the time we got back to the hotel I was very, very cold! And now we’ve come full circle. Here are some pictures of today. Enjoy!
me on the tram
me at the splash thingy
Tomorrow is a big day; we are going to meet the Herrins!...and its my fourteenth birthday. I can’t say I’m exited about turning fourteen, but I can say that I'm ecstatic about what we are doing to celebrate! I honestly can’t believe that this day has finally come. It seems like I have been waiting forever…well, when your thirteen, patience is not a strong point. Stay tuned for tomorrow!
Hi Keira, it sounds like you are having a blast this website is great, keep up the good work I must show this Colm he will be well impressed!