Saturday, February 21, 2009

We did it!

Oh boy, do I ever have news! Last night my mother went and e-mailed this link to everyone she new and Lesley Anderson (my newly appointed best friend!) has offered to pay the exchange for American currency. This is so great! I then went to babysit for a few hours and made thirty dollars! Of course that all went to Toonies for twins witch brings the total up to… $960 but oh, what’s this? I forgot the $20 my wonderful mother put in my box yesterday, which makes it $980. When I got home from babysitting my mother informed me that her boyfriend’s mother, Dawn had made a donation of $20 dollars…$1000! Oh my gosh, we did it! And by “we” I mean every single person who has ever made a donation or helped me with fundraising. Thank you!


  1. Wow Keira, that's amazing!!! You have worked hard to make that happen and we are all very impressed and proud of you! We wish there were many other 13 1/2 year olds like you who had the desire and determination to help people. Way to go! We can't wait to meet you this summer!

  2. Congrats Keira -- Great Work!! You can definately make more money babysitting my Angels : )
    I have some books that you can sell at your garage sale to go to the cause too!
