Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Getting Closer...

For those who have been checking the little money meter you might have noticed that it went up. I would like to say a very special thank you to Ika and Boris Spremo, who donated fifty dollars to Toonies for Twins. There seems to have been a miscommunication so let me just say that the picture of Erin with her dog is at a training session. Erin does not yet own SOLOMON. SOLOMON is being trained especially for Erin so he needs to get used to her and how loud or quiet she is and whatnot. The garage sale is set for the 16 of May and the stuff just keeps piling up. I LOVE IT!!! And oh my gosh I have stuff to do. I really think that this garage sale will bring in at least 200$ and believe me that is absolutely fantastic! Thanks ya’ll!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Keira;
    I was talking to my mom again about the garage sale. We have stuff in the garage we would like to donate, just were wondering if we should organize some time where we can drop it off or..something. I'll talk to you later.

